The "fuck around" part was in September when Carrefour started putting stickers on products saying they were being affected by shrinkflation, and had shrunk in size while increasing in price
Seeing how a bottle nowadays is well over €2, but i remember my teenage supermarket job when my manager explained to me they pulled this with coca cola as they wanted to increase the price from €1,15 per bottle to €1,35.
PepsiCo is in the find out part of the fuck around.
The "fuck around" part was in September when Carrefour started putting stickers on products saying they were being affected by shrinkflation, and had shrunk in size while increasing in price
If course PepsiCo were too fucking arrogant to listen.
Never, ever fuck with the French 😂
I hope you're right, seeing the current prices.
Seeing how a bottle nowadays is well over €2, but i remember my teenage supermarket job when my manager explained to me they pulled this with coca cola as they wanted to increase the price from €1,15 per bottle to €1,35.
I think we all know how much effect that had.
I haven't bought cola in a long time, but if a bottle of Pepsi is actually now the same as a bottle of microbrew beer that is nuts.
They already went through this two years ago in Canada with Loblaws and it only lasted about 2 months.