Man, I hate that I need to mask up again. I was diligent about it during early COVID. Still to some degree once vaccines were rolling out. I've gotten bad about it lately though.
In my defense I always run hot and I'm an excessive head sweater. Simply masking during a grocery run turns half my face into a sauna and gets me drippy. Masking during a concert or something is so miserable.
Had it back in October but reckon I should get boosted up again and get back to being diligent. Our state is on the uptick in cases lately. :C
Oh yeah, my card has been filling up with each new booster dropping. In it for the long haul so fully expect this to be standard procedure for foreseeable future.
Sorry to hear about your extra challenges, truly. I absolutely count myself lucky being someone who had a bad time with COVID recovery vs a fight for my life. I'm also a cancer survivor with elderly parents, plenty of friends in similar immunocompromised boats. Would be an absolute tragedy should any of us succumb to this virus.
If I came off as whiney, not the intention. More frustrated with the fact that life as we know it continues to change, with no end to this slow burn pandemic in sight. Have friends in healthcare with no shortage of horror stories. It's exhausting.
Just airing frustrations, but obviously there's always someone going through worse.
Man, I hate that I need to mask up again. I was diligent about it during early COVID. Still to some degree once vaccines were rolling out. I've gotten bad about it lately though.
In my defense I always run hot and I'm an excessive head sweater. Simply masking during a grocery run turns half my face into a sauna and gets me drippy. Masking during a concert or something is so miserable.
Had it back in October but reckon I should get boosted up again and get back to being diligent. Our state is on the uptick in cases lately. :C
Here's a simple way to check whether you need a booster:
Given its track record and its benefits, that's the only question left.
Oh yeah, my card has been filling up with each new booster dropping. In it for the long haul so fully expect this to be standard procedure for foreseeable future.
I have the same issues as you with masks but I am immunocompromised so I don't really get a choice.
It's get vaccinated and mask up or fucking die.
Maybe y'all should be happy that masking is just uncomfortable for you and not uncomfortable and a life or death choice.
Fucking whiners. It's not that hard.
Sorry to hear about your extra challenges, truly. I absolutely count myself lucky being someone who had a bad time with COVID recovery vs a fight for my life. I'm also a cancer survivor with elderly parents, plenty of friends in similar immunocompromised boats. Would be an absolute tragedy should any of us succumb to this virus.
If I came off as whiney, not the intention. More frustrated with the fact that life as we know it continues to change, with no end to this slow burn pandemic in sight. Have friends in healthcare with no shortage of horror stories. It's exhausting.
Just airing frustrations, but obviously there's always someone going through worse.