Is it Possible for an Appliance have Drastically Different Power Consumption Levels from a Similar Model?
Currently looking at TVs and stumbled upon this 55inch TCL model that's just right for our budget. I noticed though that a similar TV was being sold on a different store which are practically the same (size, display type, panel, software, I/O, etc.) but the average monthly power consumption dropped from 33kW-hr to 13kW-hr (based on 9hr daily usage).
(models of the TV in question is 55p747, 55P735, 54P635. 55P747 was the one that's exclusive to another store that had the insane power efficiency).
I tried looking at other similar TVs from othwr brands and nothing came close.
How's that possible?
55P747 had a power input of 49W
while 55P635 had 125W power input.
Damn, I thought all of the stuff I've been looking at were LED.
Apparently only this one was LED, that's why.
Won't have doubts now, I'll buy this tclp747. Thanks