This week went past so quickly! I had tons of work stuff to catch up to, so pretty much only got to play over the weekend, and hopefully will get to play on the weekend again.
Played some Snipe Elite 4, I think I am about 75% done with the main campaign, basing off the trophies.
Also played some Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1. Nothing much to say about it.
Tried Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers but couldn't get into it, so dropped it after about an hour.
Started Powerwash Simulator and played a little bit. Not sure currently if I will keep playing it or not.
What about all of you? What have you been playing? And what recent or "coming up soon" game you're really excited about?
Oracle of Seasons was my first Zelda game ever! I think I actually liked it more than Links Awakening, but I might be biased because it was my first one. Both are excellent games, though.
I think the same might be happening to me regarding bias 😅 Link's Awakening was my first Zelda! Did you play Oracle of Ages too?
I never played Ages. I borrowed Seasons from a friend, and I don't think I knew it was part of a set until years later.
I keep holding out hope that they'll remake Seasons and Ages using the Link's Awakening remake engine. That's what is preventing me from playing it now on an emulator.
A remake in the new engine would be amazing! It sold relatively well, it sounds to me like more remakes would make sense since they already have the engine and some assets they can reuse.
If they do remake them, they will probably bring them out during some down period when there is no other game.
The Oracle games are quite underrated handheld Zelda games. They're like playing an N64-era Zelda in the style of Link's Awakening. When I played them I finished Ages but didn't get the chance to finish Seasons (I borrowed it and had to return it), but still had fun with both and thought the password carry-over mechanic was neat.