I would love to print this case for my Sofle v2 keyboard. Since I don't own a 3D printer (… yet) I would like to do this by using an online printing service like PCBWay. Before I order, I do have some questions, since I have never printed anything.
- What percentage of infill do you folks suggest? I was thinking 100% would be most stable.
- Would PLA be a good material? I was thinking on filling and sanding it.
- the project only has the parts for one side. Is there an easy way to mirror everything ?
- Do you guys know a good printing service in Tokyo?
If this is the wrong community please feel free to delete this post.
Here’s my take on it, as someone who sells 3D printed things.
Infill percentage doesn’t matter as much as wall and top bottom thickness. My go to is 4 layers top, bottom, and walls. But for products I sell I usually do 25% infill, unless it’s very thin, like a stylus, then it’s 100%.
PLA is a good material for a lot of things. But for tactile things PETG and ABS are better.
And for the other two haven’t had the need to, at least not for a third party service seeing I have a 3D printer.