Billy Mitchell didn't win his defamation lawsuit against Twin Galaxies. Not only was Billy not in a position to get a financial settlement, Billy's cheated Donkey Kong scores were not reinstated(as he's claiming), and his claimed Pac-Man score from 1999 is also not on the main scoreboards. What had happened is that the score is technically still up on the "historical scoreboard" from 2014, which is meaningless. Billy's attempts to spin this as a win are especially ludicrous when he still has to deal with lawsuits against Karl Jobst and David Race, and Karl, at least, has incentive to string his lawsuit out as long as possible.
This is a very long video but anyone interested in this story should watch this.
This dude tears him down for almost 4 hours with tons of evidence of this fuck nut cheating and constantly fucking lying about it. It's a great video.
Very informative and well documented and yet found it super entertaining. Thanks for the video link.
I thought so too. No problem!
Wow. That guy should run for president, or something. All American icon, film star, great con man… 😯
while funny, the accolades you listed aren't enough for billy to be elected - clearly he isn't that great a conman!
Billy Mitchell? The cheater?
Yeah, the businessman with followers, indictments, and victim of an unfair witch hunt, who keeps rambling during depositions. Looks like a Trump's apprentice.