Drinking one glass or more of 100% fruit juice each day is associated with weight gain in children and adults, according to a new analysis of 42 previous studies.

The research, published Tuesday in JAMA Pediatrics, found a positive association between drinking 100% fruit juice and BMI — a calculation that takes into account weight and height — among kids. It also found an association between daily consumption of 100% fruit juice with weight gain among adults.

100% fruit juice was defined as fruit juices with no added sugar.

  • Pipoca@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    and probably using the sweetest varieties they can find.

    It's probably a mix of using sweet varieties, picking at peak ripeness and quickly juicing them without much transportation.

    Think of the difference in if you made tomato juice with a standard supermarket tomato vs a local in-season farmstand tomato.

    Either way, we should all be watering it down.

    Honestly, juice just isn't anywhere near as healthy as whole fruit.

    You can water it down if you want, but either way it should be a fairly rare treat.