Hey everyone! Just trying to figure out if what I’m thinking is a good idea or the worst idea ever. My group is only two sessions in. They started at level 5. I have them going into a supposed-to-die battle wherein they wake in hell and have to figure out how to get out (yadda yadda this is where the real story starts). I was thinking that when they awaken in the underworld that they’d revert to level 1 and lose their gear, and that’s my contention. Is that a dick DM move? Or would it make sense? I know it’s hard to give a solid answer and the best way to know is to know my players, but I don’t exactly want to ask them for obvious reasons. How would you all feel?
why did they lose their levels? Did they get amnesia and forget how to fight or spell or such?
The reasoning I had was that it's basically a new life, but to your point if their minds are still intact then dropping levels may not make the sense that I'd thought it would.
yeah I think its a fine thing to do but with this kinda thing you really want to flesh it out and make sure it makes sense because if its just. I said so. People can get peeved.