新作『Never Grave: The Witch and The Curse』が登場!ダークファンタジーの世界で魔女と共に戦うメトロイドヴァニア×ローグライト。建築・クラフトでキャラクターを成長させ、帽子を使って敵を操り、最大4人の協力プレイでダンジョンの最深部を目指せ!""Never Grave: The W...
Between this and crowsworn, I'm more interested in the latter, as it looks like it has some more polish, smoother animations, really committing to the artstyle
But, honestly, this still looks cute, and I like some of the gimmicks and mechanics it's bringing to the table
Between this and crowsworn, I'm more interested in the latter, as it looks like it has some more polish, smoother animations, really committing to the artstyle
But, honestly, this still looks cute, and I like some of the gimmicks and mechanics it's bringing to the table