Cops Used DNA to Predict a Suspect’s Face—and Tried to Run Facial Recognition on It | Leaked records reveal what appears to be the first known instance of a police department attempting to use faci…::Police around the US say they're justified to run DNA-generated 3D models of faces through facial recognition tools to help crack cold cases. Everyone but the cops thinks that’s a bad idea.
“As long as we can pin it on someone…”
They just look for anything to make the case… Ruining lives. It's so dystopian and sad.
Been the someone. It's shit. ACAB.
Police metrics are governed by clearance stats, and pinning a crime on someone is enough for a case to count as "solved". If it goes to court, that's all they need, and it doesn't matter if the suspect is found guilty.
Exactly. Just so very dumb.
There's no way this would have been admissable as evidence on its own.
Heh, you wish. All it takes is one corrupt judge.
Well they do have a DNA of a suspect. It may be enough to get court order of DNA extraction of a subject. And matching DNA is definitely enough to get someone behind bars.