Anyone else excited about Dragons Dogma and the upcoming Dragons Dogma 2 game?
I am trying to get some people who want to talk about either Dragon’s Dogma game to join the Lemmy version group in the Fediverse. I am currently playing through the first game on my Linux gaming PC. We can share news there. We can share pawns too, if anyone is interested.
I bought dragon’s dogma: dark arisen for the switch a year or two ago. It’s pretty fun and the pawn system is a good innovation over npc party members in other games. I liked the voice lines they’d rattle off every so often… “goblins ill like fire!”
I’m currently working my way through Elden ring on PC, which is a lot more punishing combat-wise, but definitely has superior level design. I’ll come back to DD to finish the story at some point.
I always thought of the repetitive dialogue was kind of a part of the pawn existence, they're… not really people, so them acting wooden and repetitive fits well.
I liked it too.
Makes most of the endings very satisfying. Can't wait till 2 goes on sale to learn more about pawn culture.
Agreed. The story of the pawns and NG+ is great.
Elden Ring is a long and very fun game. I got the platinum on the ps5.