I'm pretty new to 3d printing as I just got an Ender 3 Max Neo for Christmas. I've been playing around with various filaments from Inland and Creality, but I'm having odd results with the Creality ones.
When using the Creality filaments, my prints get random holes, or outright fail, because of gaps when it's extruding. The roll is not tangled and my extruder doesn't appear to be slipping. I've tried adjusting speed, temperatures, flow, z offset, etc, but nothing is fixing the random gaps. The Inland filaments are working great and are very consistent. Any help is appreciated.
Are you sure the extruder isn't slipping? I had some issues on my ender 3 v1 because I wasn't extruding hot enough or slow enough, especially with certain brands. That resulted in the filament coming out way slower than expected, but some did come out. It would extrude some, skip to catch up, extrude more.
Not that I'm aware of as I don't hear any odd noise from the extruder or see marks on the filament. I'm new to this though so I probably don't know what to look for. What told you that yours was slipping?
the obvious skipping click noise and the extruder wheel reversing for just a moment.
stop the print, pull out all the filament and there will be small dished out sections. Not the gear teeth impressions, those are normal, but imagine the gear chewing up that filament.
That's what I imagined I'd see or hear and I'm not seeing any of that. I'll take a closer look again though now that I know for sure. Thanks!