My daughter is 2 months old so she's not mobile yet, but this is definitely something I'm dreading in the future lol. Right now all I have to worry about is being woken up by her fussing in her sleep every half hour (she sleeps in a bassinet at the foot of the bed), but we've gotten better at discerning what merits actually getting up vs letting her self-soothe.
To answer the original question, though, having a child will train you to be able to wake up in a matter of seconds…
My daughter is 2 months old so she's not mobile yet, but this is definitely something I'm dreading in the future lol. Right now all I have to worry about is being woken up by her fussing in her sleep every half hour (she sleeps in a bassinet at the foot of the bed), but we've gotten better at discerning what merits actually getting up vs letting her self-soothe.
To answer the original question, though, having a child will train you to be able to wake up in a matter of seconds…
It only gets better from there tbh. That's my experience anyway. Peak exhaustion around 8-10 weeks then a slow recovery.
Congratulations! Enjoy the snuggles :)