Are you tired of going into controversial threads and having people not discuss
things, circlejerking, or using emotional responses in place of logic? Us too.
Welcome to Actual Discussion! DO: - Be civil. This does not mean you shouldn’t
challenge people, just don’t be a dick about it. - Upvote interesting points and
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change their mind. - Feel free to be a “Devil’s Advocate”. You do not have to be
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#What do you want to talk about?
We're brand new, but I hope you'll have a word or two.
Looking for mods who can write and love discussing a variety of topics!
It doesn’t have to be apolitical- it’s how about the discussion is conducted and not immediately thinking a person who disagrees with you is evil incarnate. Very tough to moderate though, and requires participants to really be behind the ethos, I guess
That's gonna be political in a matter of seconds lmao
It doesn’t have to be apolitical- it’s how about the discussion is conducted and not immediately thinking a person who disagrees with you is evil incarnate. Very tough to moderate though, and requires participants to really be behind the ethos, I guess
Yeah, it may be hard to set the tone at first without alienating anyone. I'm hoping that I'm up for it.
I'm okay with political and encourage it as long as people have sound reasoning to back it up.
I've changed my mind on many political topics after a good discussion!
Fair enough. But not really for me, I just wanna look at stupid memes lol