Playing Paper Mario ! Finished Chapter 2, just started Chapter 3. I think with this speed, it's going to take me 5-6 more weeks to finish the game. 😀
What about all of you? What have you been playing?
Playing Paper Mario ! Finished Chapter 2, just started Chapter 3. I think with this speed, it's going to take me 5-6 more weeks to finish the game. 😀
What about all of you? What have you been playing?
Well, if you go to Pixel's website, (the creator,) you can download it for free. Itcomes with a new engine and English prepatched.
Its good. Combat is somewhat between FF VII R and Strangers in Paradise, and the plot carries several Best Ofs. I'm playing on "Story Mode" which feels more pre-Dark Souls. Looks great too.
Biggest knock I can give it is the main character has the dopey name of Clive. :p
Ah, cool. Didn't know he was still giving it away for free.
lol at Clive.