I can't argue with that. I said I expect them to rule in Trump's favor, but the specifics will be interesting. It's also not unimaginable that they would rule in Colorado's favor. There is a tremendous amount of law and precedent that states run their own elections (plus everything I said above about the specific section of the Constitution in question) and I feel like the Supreme Court could be loathe to intercede any more than necessity demands.
Whichever way the ruling goes, I think the answer will be less interesting than the reasoning behind it.
I can't argue with that. I said I expect them to rule in Trump's favor, but the specifics will be interesting. It's also not unimaginable that they would rule in Colorado's favor. There is a tremendous amount of law and precedent that states run their own elections (plus everything I said above about the specific section of the Constitution in question) and I feel like the Supreme Court could be loathe to intercede any more than necessity demands.
Whichever way the ruling goes, I think the answer will be less interesting than the reasoning behind it.
wE dOn'T wAnT tHe cOuRt tO bE ruN by jUdIcIaL AcTiVisTs