Apart from blow up printers, the one scariest thing for me about a slicer is losing settings. You spend hours getting your printer dialed in, specific profiles per material and then…
You update your slicer software and it all goes away. I have now learned Cura does this. And does this a lot. Forum posts abound about it. Friends recommend I switch to Prusa because it happened to them. Unfortunately too late for me to write down my old settings, and they're apparently not in the ~/.config/cura
folder anymore. Nice.
I switched from PS to Orca a few weeks ago, it is just a much better featured slicer. I also absolutely love that I can just click "print" and it automatically uploads and starts the print on my printer. Only had to enter the IP of my printer and that was it, extremely user friendly.
I'm not sure I agree the UI is better…it is different, and not entirely intuitive for me when looking for some settings.
FWIW, prusaslicer can also upload and print. The setting to enable it is a bit hidden though… (it’s in printer settings)
I know it should be able to, I could never get it to work though. It just didn't want to recognise my printer and refused to connect.