Not quite, but pretty close. You still hold copyrights in anything protected by copyright for example. They just have a perpetual license to use your work. We really ought to be working on laws to protect privacy and limit corp content piracy without explicitly clear opt-ins.
Back in the paper spam days, some folk would stuff the "postage paid" envelopes with junk and mail them back to troll the companies. Setting up a junk address with an autoresponder would be pleasing, but probably would get tagged illegal.
Not quite, but pretty close. You still hold copyrights in anything protected by copyright for example. They just have a perpetual license to use your work. We really ought to be working on laws to protect privacy and limit corp content piracy without explicitly clear opt-ins.
Maybe we should charge them for emails they send us. Want me to sign up for a news letter, that will be 20€ per email. Or something.
Back in the paper spam days, some folk would stuff the "postage paid" envelopes with junk and mail them back to troll the companies. Setting up a junk address with an autoresponder would be pleasing, but probably would get tagged illegal.
Shame, its legal when big corp does it but illegal when I do it. This always seems weird to me.