More people are distracted by their phones on the toilet than in the shower
Can confirm. Commenting from the throne.
Hard disagree. I’m on my phone while on the toilet. In the shower I have nothing but the voices in my head to listen to.
So where is the c/toiletthoughts?
Shower beats toilet for thinking, every time! Its the steam! My toilet rarely steams.
the no poop post was rumored to be a toilet thought
The thinker. Does he look like taking a shower?
I rest my case.
I find most interesting thoughts are as I fall asleep.
inb4 c/toiletthoughts
It’s called shitposting.
3 days without pooping is 3 days wasted
On the toilet, I seem to be better at problem-solving. But in the shower tend to come up with new* and deeper thoughts.
Why? You got one of those $4k butt massaging lazy boy toilets? I wouldn’t say most of us have them on the toilet.
There are actually more cells in our brain than brains in our entire body
Looks like you’re having diarrhoea, my friend.
And if I don’t have thoughts on either what’s my problem?
Are you one of those people who don’t have an internal dialogue?
Well yea I do talk internally to myself, but not “shower thoughts”, I wish I did tho
Do you wake up with eureka moments?
Not often, and they are not quite the level of a showerthought
Try pooping in the shower…?
When a mf needs 100% brainpower