I love the fact that people joke about this nowadays. Because my mom still has bad memories from her childhood, where her teachers forced her to be right handed, acting as if it was a choice, and she was just really bad at writing. This was not a third world country either, but the Netherlands.
No but fr have you tried being left handed?
Dont try to drag me into your sinister, ink stained agendas!
Hey if you prefer they can be graphite-stained
SToP ShOvInG YoUr lEFt HaNdEd iDeOlOgY DoWn mY ThRoAt
I love the fact that people joke about this nowadays. Because my mom still has bad memories from her childhood, where her teachers forced her to be right handed, acting as if it was a choice, and she was just really bad at writing. This was not a third world country either, but the Netherlands.
U.S. same here, my mother's teachers AND my grandmother beat her regularly with a ruler if she tried writing with her natural dominant hand.
Was so cursed it followed her the rest of her life and even after she was living on her own she wouldn't use her left hand for writing.
The year she passed away she told me about it with tears in her eyes, it stuck with her for 70 years.
I have and it's amazing!