No pretty sure that's what they're arguing. Same dumbass argument that leftists made in the Weimar Republic. Let the fascists take over and then we'll win the next one, and then they all were murdered. Idiots. There's no weedling around fascism. You fight a head-on with no mercy. You don't try to work around it, you don't try to outlast it, you don't try to use it. You murder it. That's what they deserve and that's the only way to fight them.
I think you are misreading
No pretty sure that's what they're arguing. Same dumbass argument that leftists made in the Weimar Republic. Let the fascists take over and then we'll win the next one, and then they all were murdered. Idiots. There's no weedling around fascism. You fight a head-on with no mercy. You don't try to work around it, you don't try to outlast it, you don't try to use it. You murder it. That's what they deserve and that's the only way to fight them.
they're proposing undermining the legitimacy of the fascists, not any of what you said.
No they're not, you don't undermine legitimacy of fascism by letting fascism take over that's moronic.
that's not what they proposed. i truly feel you aren't reading what they wrote.
Yeah they did.
this isn't going anywhere. have a nice day.