a meme with two halves.
on top is a screenshot of the terminal with the following text:
Generated ~/.config/emacs/.local/env
Installing plugins
> Installing straight...
> Installing packages...
> Updating recipe repos...
> Cloning Llink-hint.el...emacsmirror-mirror. ..
> Building link-hint...
> Building link-hint > Cloning avy...
- Checked out avy: be612110cb116a38b8603df36794
> Building link-hint > Building avy...
> Building link-hint...
> Cloning drag-stuff.el...
> Building drag-stuff...
> Cloning company-shell...
the lines installing straight and building drag-stuff are highlighted in red.
on the bottom is Confused Nick Young face
Come to the vi side, no straights or drags. (And just as terrible to use for every starter as emacs is ;) )
Sorry, had to have the 1st vi post. ;D
I started learning Emacs at the same time I was learning to code. Once I found Doom it was pretty straightforward. Before that…it wasn't fun.
I'm currently trying out lazyvim, and I think the Emacs approach is a lot more accessible to beginners because:
it does everything on its own instead of relying on you knowing cli tools
:help is just sad when compared to C-h, and generally the in-editor docs and guides are a lot worse
Doom is a lot more opinionated than lazyvim, but it also requires a lot less manual setup
it's doom emacs(with vim bindings). I am currently using vim but wanted to learn emacs too as org mode seems interesting
Check magit as well, in case you use git. It was a game changer for me.
heard about it. will install it. thanks!
VI is the number of the beast! Install Emacs now and save your soul!
Perhaps I'm a satanist