Meet 5,587,701+ High-Quality Singles and Build Serious Relationships
I highly doubt it has that many real users. My guess is that's just the total amount of created accounts.
2,033,000+ Monthly Conversations
Yup, no way in hell 5m users would generate so few chats. It's either less than 1 match per month for those 5 million, or more like 1 million active monthly users having 2 matches on average.
I also can't register because I live in a poor country, lol
Found it:
You have to prove your net worth. Sugar daddy/baby are prohibited.
I highly doubt it has that many real users. My guess is that's just the total amount of created accounts.
Yup, no way in hell 5m users would generate so few chats. It's either less than 1 match per month for those 5 million, or more like 1 million active monthly users having 2 matches on average.
I also can't register because I live in a poor country, lol