Legislators in Florida are considering a bill that would help retired teachers return to the workforce.
Senate Bill 1482 would eliminate the requirement for retired teachers and other school personnel who have taken part in the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) to have been out of work for six months before starting new employment.
Taking aim at Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Andrew Spar, president of the Florida Education Association, said: "We've all heard the governor's talking points about his investments in teachers and education, but the governor won't tell you the truth about education in Florida, which is that our state ranks 48th in the nation in average teacher salary, 43rd in the nation in per student spending, and doesn't even crack the top 10 in average teacher starting salary or average earnings for K-12 education support professionals."
On average, teachers a
tre smart people. They know why they prefer to work elsewhere…(Most) teachers don't eat people.
You are what you eat so I suppose I’m happy they’re not eating dumb people.
Don't worry, they'll just change and lower the requirements until they no longer have to rely on smart people.
If they lower them far enough, they could even use Republican politicians as teachers.