He’s the leftwing outsider who nearly became the Democrats’ candidate for president - twice. As his position on the Israel-Gaza war threatens to upset his support, the veteran senator says he’s tired but determined to fight the return of that ‘ bitter, humiliated man’
If Biden committed the acts and, as of now alleged crimes Trump has been accused of, then Biden would need to be barred too. That's the difference with Trump supporters, the rest of us want the laws applied no matter which "team" the politician represents. It's people over party and not the other way around.
Thats the issue. Innocent until proven guilty. I believe he's guilty, but for setting legal precedent this makes accusations enough to bar a candidate in an election.
But also my understanding is there's nothing in the law requiring criminal conviction for sedition or insurrection or whatever the proper term is. I'm not sure who is supposed to be the determiner of fact. I think that's why several of the states took it upon themselves. Hence why SCOTUS is almost certainly going to have to determine some of these issues. But I also could be talking out my ass.