Disclaimer: I thought of this while using this command line. I actually think Celeste and Matrix are good and trans rights are human rights.
Image description: [ First pannel; character turning his back on the Trans flag, Madeline from Celeste and the Matrix movie title screen : "I am not Trans". Second pannel; character hugging a box labeled 'gender': "I enjoy the gender I was assigned at birth." Third pannel; character typing on a laptop with the Arch Linux logo while wearing programming socks. A bubble shows the line on the screen : 'makepkg -cis'. The character says: "When I compile an AUR package, I clean install files, install the program, sync dependencies; in a single line." ]
What is it called when you don't really care what gender you are? I'm not sure it's binary, because I don't really fully identify with either one and just do whatever I want whenever I want.
Depends on the granularity you want.
This sounds like you could fit under the "non-binary" umbrella, but there are many subcategories. Maybe genderfluid .
Or maybe you're cis but just don't see a use in following gender-stereotypes.
But in the end, getting lost in labeling is not needed. Just be you. -
Just to point out another label that might fit, "agendered" folks are a subset of nonbinary people who report having a neutral gender identity or even none at all.
Frankly I call it being a human. I love the masculine parts I was born with, but most often, I feel like i'm just a person, bopping along doing whatever I want and not worrying about if I'm being masculine or feminine. I'm just a human absorbing the experience of being alive. I'm a homo-sapiens sexual.
The word for not feeling a strong connection to your gender like that would be "cassgender".
Could be Cassgender, Agender, or Apagender (gender apathetic) .
Oh also Absgender and Isogender, those could also fit, though these are [gender modalities]((https://mogai.miraheze.org/wiki/Gender_Modality), not necessarily gender identities (you would be a gender identity that is under these modalities i.e. Someone may identify as Agender, under the Absgender modality).