What you claimed is that the fact that Debian repos move slowly (one of the key defining features of the distro) is a "niche" fact to Debian noobs (people who are new to using Debian).
It's not.
And you can check my history – it's NixOS all day.
TIL the only reason to mock a meme is if you're upset, you can't just think the meme is half-baked and joke about it. (Even if you upvote it because you did chuckle you're still just upset).
You strike me as a true Linux master with 0 people skills.
What you claimed is that the fact that Debian repos move slowly (one of the key defining features of the distro) is a "niche" fact to Debian noobs (people who are new to using Debian).
It's not.
And you can check my history – it's NixOS all day.
Keep in mind your arguing the validity of a fuckin' meme with a stranger here.
On that note, you're a bit of a prick aren't ya? This is a strange way to get your rocks off but you go ahead and do you. Have a great day 🫡
Says the guy who immediately got upset and snarky about a meme.
The irony is amazing.
TIL the only reason to mock a meme is if you're upset, you can't just think the meme is half-baked and joke about it. (Even if you upvote it because you did chuckle you're still just upset).
You strike me as a true Linux master with 0 people skills.
Enjoy that irony and your day 🫡
Oh me too, I'm just joking around too.
Phew, that was easy!
No need to be upset, can you please calm down?
Oh wow that's quite the tantrum.
Have a great evening!