TIL that's the Star Citizen's studio name. Can't believe I've never heard this name before, in fact I'm surprised I've managed this feat.
Crowd funding money drying up? As much hope as I had for this game (bought the original $45 package that included a ship and all the game modes before they were split), it seems the vaporware is finally coming to light.
It isnt so much vaporware as basically massively bad funding model and development practices.
They have software. There is a 'game' you can 'play'.
Its just that its still buggy as fuck and the gameplay doesnt really meaningfully work.
Its… more like an alpha that never stops adding features and content… and as a result, never does a feature lock and actually make what they have into a non buggy, actually compelling game.
What crowd funding? It's been a released game for years backed by macro transactions from the store
Not really sure what's so controversial about this. CIG argued in court the game is released and it hasn't been crowd funded since they left Kickstarter. People just pay to get ships to fly or for outfits and weapons or in some cases, pre-order ships.
Crap. Just as I thought development started to pick up. I check this game out maybe once a year, it’s got great potential but it will probably never release in a playable state unfortunately.