That's because they're stupid, and don't grasp that they're on the hit list. This will become easier for them to understand when they either get swarmed by MAGA red hats, or get rounded up.
Let's take it a step further. The list must remain populated - facism doesn't actually work to make things better, so it requires someone to blame. Everyone ends up on the list, eventually.
It gets extra fun when fellow citizens, in an effort to stay out of the crosshairs, will snitch on Unpatriotic Americans. Anyone among the MAGA faithful that are uneasy about this, should remain demonstrably Patriotic.
I think that reporting someone for being an Unpatriotic American would be far more effective than SWATing someone. Like if someone at work didn't appreciate a witty reply or something, they could just erase you, or at the very least get you permanently in the crosshairs.
There exists a subset of people who always believe they are part of the “in group.” Even when they get swarmed and locked up/beaten/disappeared they will hold to the “truth” that a mistake was made, and someone will soon realize and apologize.
That's because they're stupid, and don't grasp that they're on the hit list. This will become easier for them to understand when they either get swarmed by MAGA red hats, or get rounded up.
Or when the right to marriage or cohabitation is taken away and they can no longer share benefits.
Let's take it a step further. The list must remain populated - facism doesn't actually work to make things better, so it requires someone to blame. Everyone ends up on the list, eventually.
It gets extra fun when fellow citizens, in an effort to stay out of the crosshairs, will snitch on Unpatriotic Americans. Anyone among the MAGA faithful that are uneasy about this, should remain demonstrably Patriotic.
I think that reporting someone for being an Unpatriotic American would be far more effective than SWATing someone. Like if someone at work didn't appreciate a witty reply or something, they could just erase you, or at the very least get you permanently in the crosshairs.
There exists a subset of people who always believe they are part of the “in group.” Even when they get swarmed and locked up/beaten/disappeared they will hold to the “truth” that a mistake was made, and someone will soon realize and apologize.
I enjoy a little self-delusion like the rest of us but at a certain point its like Mac justifying why is Dad won't have a catch with him