I never understood how to use Docker, what makes it so special? I would really like to use it on my Rapsberry Pi 3 Model B+ to ease the setup process of selfhosting different things.
I'm currently running these things without Docker:
- Mumble server with a Discord bridge and a music bot
- Maubot, a plugin-based Matrix bot
- FTP server
- Two Discord Music bots
All of these things are running as systemd services in the background. Should I change this? A lot of the things I'm hosting offer Docker images.
It would also be great if someone could give me a quick-start guide for Docker. Thanks in advance!
Not exactly IMO, as containers themselves can simultaneously access devices and filesystems from the host system natively (such as VAAPI devices used for hardware encoding & decoding) or even the docker socket to control the host system's Docker daemon.
They also can launch directly into a program you specify, bypassing any kind of init system requirement.
OC's suggestion of a chroot jail is the closest explanation I can think of too, if things were to be simplified