Anyone have any good suggestions for a simple, multi-user tasks App? I used Keep for a long while, and have been using Nextcloud for the past few years…but every Nextcloud upgrade lately it seems I hit new bugs and since I don't use Nextcloud for a while lot else I'm considering just parting ways with it.
That all being said, requirements I'm looking for would be the following:
- Easily accessible on iOS and Android (native app is a big plus)
- Simple interface with basic checkmark boxes that you can check off and the task disappears to some sort of "completed" list. No fancy markdown/etc. needed
- Ability to share certain 'lists' with other users, so my wife and I can see shared lists
- A Web UI is another huge plus
- Self hosted is big obviously, but at the end of the day I just want something simple and reliable
If Nextcloud tasks is still among the better options I'll keep limping it along just figured I might as well see if anything new has popped up since I last went down this road. Thanks all!
Vikunja is the only viable thing. CalDAV spec allows to assign tasks, but we got XMPP moment here - spec exists, but almost no apps implement it properly.
Also you may take a look at