Really nice write up. Agree with a lot of your picks.
Only difference would be Pokemon Y which I had kinda the opposite reaction to! Nostalgia for Gen 1 & 2 Pokemon was maybe too strong. The primitive graphics on the gameboy games got me to engage my imagination more I guess.
Thank you! I know a lot of what I put comes down to my rose tinted glasses but it's nice to know others can see some of it the same. I agree, games in their more primitive states can be more imagination engaging. I would say that, even the GBC and GBA still invoke a sense of wonder fueled by imagination to some extent.
Really nice write up. Agree with a lot of your picks.
Only difference would be Pokemon Y which I had kinda the opposite reaction to! Nostalgia for Gen 1 & 2 Pokemon was maybe too strong. The primitive graphics on the gameboy games got me to engage my imagination more I guess.
Thank you! I know a lot of what I put comes down to my rose tinted glasses but it's nice to know others can see some of it the same. I agree, games in their more primitive states can be more imagination engaging. I would say that, even the GBC and GBA still invoke a sense of wonder fueled by imagination to some extent.