Does that include police and military, do you want to abolish those as well, or do they get a special exemption from your "idiots with guns" umbrella because they use them to do others bidding?
No, I don't know who is an idiot and who isn't, so less people having guns means less idiots have guns. police and military have vetting and training, regular citizens do not.
Does that include police and military, do you want to abolish those as well, or do they get a special exemption from your "idiots with guns" umbrella because they use them to do others bidding?
The police are the last ones that should have guns
No, I don't know who is an idiot and who isn't, so less people having guns means less idiots have guns. police and military have vetting and training, regular citizens do not.
Vetted people with impunity and different interests from your own. But vetted, yes.
After a cops own well-being comes the "blue wall of silence", then their actual orders, and finally you, you come last in their priorities.