This BTW is how you involve in the story the reality of what the voters think, which is an important portion of election coverage, while still upholding your basic journalistic responsibility to communicate to people what's actually going on.
This BTW is how you involve in the story the reality of what the voters think, which is an important portion of election coverage, while still upholding your basic journalistic responsibility to communicate to people what's actually going on.
You never said "exactly the same as Trump"; that was exaggeration on my part and maybe unfair. The rest of it you absolutely said and I stand behind my characterization of how much sense it makes.
i also didn't waaaaaa. i'm cool as a cucumber over here pointing out the inadequacy of politicians.
It's like when I get stuck in traffic, but I'm on the clock, so I'm not bothered by it.
did this go to the right place?
They're saying you're clearly on the clock right now
I am, but don't tell my boss. he thinks I'm working.
Getting lost also does not bug me when I'm on the clock.
i think you got this thread mixed up with another