My job title has changed 5x more than my actual job. I honestly don't even know what my current title is.
I wonder how many man-hours (and at what average salary) has been spent deciding on title changes that have literally zero impact at my company. I'm sure every change involves meetings full of highly-paid executives.
"I (want to keep my job and therefore I) AGREE WITH YOU 100%"
They collect the big bucks, the rest of us can suck dirt - barely not able to afford a home, food, medical care, etc. Oh wait, sorry, I meant "YES SIR/MAM!"
My job title has changed 5x more than my actual job. I honestly don't even know what my current title is.
I wonder how many man-hours (and at what average salary) has been spent deciding on title changes that have literally zero impact at my company. I'm sure every change involves meetings full of highly-paid executives.
"I (want to keep my job and therefore I) AGREE WITH YOU 100%"
They collect the big bucks, the rest of us can suck dirt -
barelynot able to afford a home, food, medical care, etc. Oh wait, sorry, I meant "YES SIR/MAM!"