There should be a “shower thoughts mode” in the shower so after you clean yourself, the current water used in the shower is recycled and reheated. In this way you can keep shower thinking without wasting water cc @[email protected]
There should be a “shower thoughts mode” in the shower so after you clean yourself, the current water used in the shower is recycled and reheated. In this way you can keep shower thinking without wasting water cc @[email protected]
Then I'd just be spraying myself with dirty water.
Especially on waffle stomp day
I just presumed you turn on "shower thoughts" mode after you've done a thorough clean.
Though this is similar to what some Japanese households do where they do a thorough wash and shower, removing any dirt and sweat, and soak in a bathtub to relax afterwards.
That’s why it’s thinking mode and not cleaning mode