you know – this is always represented in the news/etc as 'a starbucks a day' but i mean moreso a gadget or a shirt. i'm splurging on deodorant right now. is that immoral? are you meant to have a mostly austere budget until you're a boomer with a house and a fence?
so uhh what's the last little thing you bought to not go insane?
I once read
We are meat in a meat grinding machine from early age to nearly death. No one consented to it… It just is. So spend that $5 or that $1500 on something that gives you happiness. Because at the end of it all… it's the ride that matters not where you end up.
It also needs to be said… We are a culture of consumerism. We all must buy and buy and buy to keep the economy afloat. So the game has been rigged to make you want to spend.
Good luck op
Looks at my $1500 3d printer.
How you just gonna call me out on a personal level in public like that?