I couldn't figure out how to make the wifi on my Debian machine reliable so I replaced the default wifi manager front-end and backend with iwctl, the same thing Arch uses by default. It seems to be working but now I have an unholy abomination of Debian spliced with Arch DNA.
Almost every proprietery software there is out there has only Debian/Ubuntu packages, yet we run them in Arch, Void, Gentoo… as long as the dependencies are there, it doesn't matter what distro you run the software on.
I couldn't figure out how to make the wifi on my Debian machine reliable so I replaced the default wifi manager front-end and backend with iwctl, the same thing Arch uses by default. It seems to be working but now I have an unholy abomination of Debian spliced with Arch DNA.
Every distro is an unholy abomination made by plugging the maintainers' favorite parts together
A simple fix is to replace the rest of Debian with Arch.
Lol, that's normal in Arch, Void, Gentoo, LFS.
Almost every proprietery software there is out there has only Debian/Ubuntu packages, yet we run them in Arch, Void, Gentoo… as long as the dependencies are there, it doesn't matter what distro you run the software on.
It's perfectly fine to use different ways to do things in Debian, just don't mix incompatible repos.