I can get behind murder. I feel like this, to some extend, is a genuine part of human behaviour. Even the horrific aftermath of such. But genocide truly feels inhuman to me. So I can never fundamentally understand how in history, civilizations went from point A to point B to Point Genocide. Any thoughts on this?
Imagine the stone age. Your tribe is running out of food, but there's a nearby tribe with plenty of it. You group up, visit them during the night, murder them all and steal their food. This is pretty much a genocide. And it's part of our nature. Always was, always will be.
But that's the thing, I guess. When is the point reached, when I want food turns into I want to destroy a whole or maybe at least a part of a people?
Killing others is always at the back of our minds, it's just that different people have different triggers to do so. The amount of people killed doesn't really matter.