What ragdoll avalanche is happening in towns? This RPG isn't set amid an immersive simulation with Teardown's physics. It's some guys walking around a fairly static environment. Even if the cloth animation is jawdropping or dust falls off the awnings as you stomp past, that's not an O(N^2) situation. Hell, even when every thing can bump every other thing, there's acceleration structures for that. A falling brick isn't hitting anything in the next town over. A dropped helmet shouldn't bounce to the moon.
This problem is not new. There can be reasons. But not excuses.
What ragdoll avalanche is happening in towns? This RPG isn't set amid an immersive simulation with Teardown's physics. It's some guys walking around a fairly static environment. Even if the cloth animation is jawdropping or dust falls off the awnings as you stomp past, that's not an O(N^2) situation. Hell, even when every thing can bump every other thing, there's acceleration structures for that. A falling brick isn't hitting anything in the next town over. A dropped helmet shouldn't bounce to the moon.
This problem is not new. There can be reasons. But not excuses.