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TERF isn't name calling, it's a description of your beliefs. the fact that you see it as such shows me you are one, terfs are the only ppl who refer to "terf" as a slur
No, it is a description of the beliefs that you seem to think every cis person has to have. This is because you seem to want to lump all cis people(which you repeatedly call for the demise of - to the point of mods needing to repeatedly removing your bigotted comments) into this category. Or at least the BS persona you are pretending to be "believes".
just assholes like you who spam trans news with your idiocy
This sums it up exactly. Anyone who asks questions and tries to learn is your direct enemy. That is what you stand for. You try to stop education and awareness. Whether you know it or not, I can't tell, but it is what it is. You attack inquisitive minds by trying to make them feel like questions mean bigotry. This is horrendous behavior.
trans ppl know which questions are real questions and which questions are rhetoric devices by assholes like you
Alright, I can see you are just continuing on. I tried. You need to look deep inside yourself and decide if you really want to keep up this strange charade.
you have nothing to say to that one huh. you know it's true.
Everything you know about the trans community you have learned through a lens of hate and bigotry against them. Maybe if you want to role-play a trans person badly, then there might be something there that you are not admitting to yourself. If you change one thing about yourself and choose love above all else, then you will be much better off.
There is nothing "wrong" with trans people. There is no reason for you to put so much effort into your hateful mindset. They are people just like anyone else. Just because they are different from you doesn't mean you need to spend your time trying to destroy them. Quite frankly, you will fail. You are one person on a hateful rampage. You are too weak to destroy a whole group of people. I don't know what religion or what is behind your blind hate, but I assure you that it is not real.
are you hard yet? how is the debate fetish going
I literally never heard of this term until you started blasting it over and over. I had no idea. I looked them up because you kept calling me them so much. If you are not intentionally trying to get them exposure, then you are sorely missing your mark. Thanks to YOU, I am aware of them. 100% die to you. That's the effect you are having. It is absurd to act like I'm one of them.
If you are not extremely anti-trans then you have gotten so twisted up in a truly remarkable way. I highly highly doubt that.
the other poster was right this is a fetish for you terf
Most likely one of your other accounts.
However, in the off chance that you are genuine and just misguided, here is the explanation of the whole genetic male/female thing that you may be misunderstanding. Genetic sex is real, but it is not the same thing as gender. Someone can be a genetic "male" but have the gender "woman". This is an example of a "transgender" person. I know I'm probably just falling into your trap again, but in the off chance that you are genuinely interested and just a bit confused, this is what the situation is. I hope it helps.
lmao the psychosis continues