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it's not hard to spot wild terfs asking troll questions and bringing up terf talking points!!!
If you are being serious right now, then it absolutely is difficult. You taught me terf. I never know about them before I met you. I have no talking points. I'm a random curious person with no affiliations, I've never voted, I've never been a part of any group that has anything to do with trans people.
so weird how you happened upon the same terms and arguments terfs use!!! just a random person who accuses everyone who disagrees with them of being a fake account or fake trans personnnnnn just a random person asking silly questions tee hee
Yes. Absolutely, positively, seriously, you have apparently been tramatized and tricked into thinking that anyone who doesn't know as much about this stuff as you do must be an evil demon sent to terrorize you. That isn't the case. I'm not them. I'm not. I'm absolutely not. I'm a random person with a good heart. A random person with enough care in my heart that abandoned cheese, chicken, non-vegan detergent, and everything else that has a chance of coming from a tortured animal because I can't stand the though of an animal being miserable on my account. I've done this despite holding the belief that I would be healthier if I continued to risk abusing animals. I tell you all this to explain that I care. I am being completely honest when I tell you that you have been somehow masterfully tricked into seeing average good people as if they are out to get you. I genuinely, 100% want you to be happy.
get off the stage!!!