Really just curious what folks out there deem valuable enough to give money for monthly or annually. As a software engineer I have quite a few that keep me productive and I'll list a few:
- ChatGPT
- Perplexity
- Obsidian Sync
- YouTube Premium
Really just curious what folks out there deem valuable enough to give money for monthly or annually. As a software engineer I have quite a few that keep me productive and I'll list a few:
I mean, it’s something like $7-8 for 6 months via a one-time VPN payment in India or the like. Definitely worth it.
Nah. Just donate a little to the creators you like and block the ads. Everyone would be better for it except Google.
I block the ads by using SmartTube on my Shield Pro. But for my AppleTV 4K, I prefer paying a few bucks for Premium for a smooth experience ☻.