Rep. Jon Stone’s New Hampshire law enforcement career ended when he threatened to kill fellow police officers in a shooting spree, and murder his chief after raping the chief’s wife and children, all while he was already under scrutiny for his inappropriate relationship with a teen girl, according to the internal investigation reports finally released this week.
Dang, so they just swept all of this shit under the rug in return for him being dismissed from the police "quietly?" Dude threatened to rape, and kill the chief of police wife, and kids, before killing the chief himself. Abused his authority to engage in an inappropriate relationship with a 15 year old girl, all while his fellow officers actively feared for their lives due to his anger.
Their response? "Well we don't want him going psycho and killing us, so in exchange for him quietly exiting the police force, we're just not gonna hold him accountable for literally anything. Feel free to go off into the night, you violent, angry, pedophilic monster! Good luck everybody else!"
Then they elected him state rep! TWICE!
And not one single cop came forward to talk about this shit while he was seeking election.
Only a Sith deals in absolutes, but dang man. ACAB.
This is the exact reason ACAB. The others didn't directly participate in the actions but silence is complacence and when you're in the position of a police officer, who's job it is to uphold the law, there's extra significance to remaining silent. If they were civilians, they'd be called, "accomplices".
Obstruction of Justice at the very least. They shouldn’t really start prosecuting police forces like this for Rico though. They’re all in on it.