Letters: Readers respond to an article about quitting the rat race, with some saying their generation was handed an untenable position and others saying the struggle is nothing new
Profit scheme run by hedge funds? I'm not sure what that has to do with landlords.
If someone owns a home that they aren't currently living in, what do you propose they do with it? They should take a loss and let you live there cheaply because your job doesn't pay enough? I don't remember any time when minimum wage (or even twice that) was enough to buy a home.
Again, I implore you get informed before you run off and start conversations about such things if you're not even aware of what's going on around you. You're doing a disservice to society, and also yourself.
Profit scheme run by hedge funds? I'm not sure what that has to do with landlords.
If someone owns a home that they aren't currently living in, what do you propose they do with it? They should take a loss and let you live there cheaply because your job doesn't pay enough? I don't remember any time when minimum wage (or even twice that) was enough to buy a home.
Again, I implore you get informed before you run off and start conversations about such things if you're not even aware of what's going on around you. You're doing a disservice to society, and also yourself.
https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1197961038#:~:text=In the lawsuit%2C RealPage is,%2C however%2C denies any wrongdoing.