You make it sound like corporations invent a new revolutionary wheel each quarter.
They don't.
What fantastic new beverage have Coca Cola launched the last couple of years?
What astonishing new car technology has GM or Volkswagen released lately?
Most companies are doing what they've always have done and guarding their market share. Now and then some small competitor with something revolutionizing pops up and either starts eating market share it gets aquired by one the bigger ones.
So between a competition popping up or one of your engineers coming up with a lucky accident, all you do is to manage the business as you always do.
You make it sound like corporations invent a new revolutionary wheel each quarter. They don't.
What fantastic new beverage have Coca Cola launched the last couple of years? What astonishing new car technology has GM or Volkswagen released lately?
Most companies are doing what they've always have done and guarding their market share. Now and then some small competitor with something revolutionizing pops up and either starts eating market share it gets aquired by one the bigger ones.
So between a competition popping up or one of your engineers coming up with a lucky accident, all you do is to manage the business as you always do.