Dude the right wing doesn't have a monopoly on bullshit, but you can go on believing that (bullshit) if you like and continue to be a living counterexample to your own bad argument.
They account for the vast majority and surveys prove it. You've got nothing and are living in this strange delusional state of cognitive dissonance absent of any substantive evidence whatsoever.
Lol your whole post above is a bunch of gobbledygook that you've mistaken for a rational argument because you spend too much of your time posting on dumb online forums.
It's not one side or another of the political spectrum that's full of shit, it's people in general.
I have easily encountered just as many anti vax crackpots for instance coming from the left as from the right.
That is complete and total bullshit and any reputable statistics survey can prove it.
Let's not bOtH sIdeS this with absurd anecdotes.
Lol yeah you're right it's only right wingers that have irrational beliefs. 👍
Yep, now you're getting it. The vast majority are definitely on the right.
Nearly all conspiracy theories are peddled by right-wing mouthpieces; e.g., Alex Jones and adopted by their right-wing audience.
Right-wingers, statistically on average, are less educated and more susceptible to misinformation.
In the case of anti-vaxx, especially post-Covid, the vast majority are right-wing.
These both sides enlightened centrist false equivalence fallacies are cute and easy for the brain to process, but they aren't grounded in reality.
Dude the right wing doesn't have a monopoly on bullshit, but you can go on believing that (bullshit) if you like and continue to be a living counterexample to your own bad argument.
They account for the vast majority and surveys prove it. You've got nothing and are living in this strange delusional state of cognitive dissonance absent of any substantive evidence whatsoever.
Lol your whole post above is a bunch of gobbledygook that you've mistaken for a rational argument because you spend too much of your time posting on dumb online forums.