An Israeli missile has hit Iran, two US officials have told the BBC's US partner CBS News.
Iranian state media is reporting that flights have been suspended over several cities, according to Associated Press.
Iran has been on high alert after Israel said it would respond to an Iranian attack against it on Saturday night
However you want to group or define Isreali citizens you are making a too broad generalization.
I don't really care? they have been unwilling to stop for longer than I have been alive. they've been offered the moon,and turned it down, because they prefer genocide. they haven't stopped. they haven't had substantial internal strife or attempted revolutions or internal assassinations of particularly warmongery leaders.
their soldiers literally sing while they do atrocities, their prime minister says it, their citizens say it, their children say it.
Not a single joule of energy should be wasted attempting to preserve "Israeli" life. not ever. to do otherwise would be an insult to their victims. stopping this genocide and world war three must come first.
I dunno, maybe you think 1 genocidal pedophile life is worth global thermonuclear war. I guess agree to disagree?
So you're saying we need a Final Solution to this Jewish Problem?
Call it the the genocidal problem. The issues isn't with Jews in general, just people who are carrying out and supporting the genocide. I would lump Biden in with them as well.
oh absolutely Joe needs to go. as do the Nazis.
Are you saying all Jews are Israeli?
Are you saying all Israelis are Jews?
Alright cool, cool.
not a Jewish problem. a Nazi problem. nothing makes Hezbollah look good quite like hebarrah does.
you saying theres a way to stop world war 3 without glassing that shit hole?
and stop saying Israelis are Jews. they're not. they once rationalized an internal purge by saying 'if you kill other Jews for political reasons, youre out' to kill other Jews for political reasons, then did the whole white supremacist sterilizing of Ethiopian Jews. they are not. they do not count. and even if they did, Jewish communities ive spoken to feel, at best, mildly embarrassed by them.