Nonsense. And even if the config file cannot be found in the usual directories then there are always tools like KFind that can search your entire OS within seconds.
How does it not solve their problem if they're searching for configuration files? That would only be the case if the files do not exist in the first place, and then there's really no difference between GNU/Linux and Windows at all if you assume that initial configuration has not occurred. What would you do?
Nonsense. And even if the config file cannot be found in the usual directories then there are always tools like KFind that can search your entire OS within seconds.
congratulations. you've just sent a linux newb down a 12 hour rabbit hole that doesn't actually solve their problem.
and thats the power of linux baby hell yeah
How does it not solve their problem if they're searching for configuration files? That would only be the case if the files do not exist in the first place, and then there's really no difference between GNU/Linux and Windows at all if you assume that initial configuration has not occurred. What would you do?