Put gas tanks on Teslas so they can hold gasoline, and the driver can buy gasoline, but it's not actually burned in the operation of the car. Only if the battery catches fire and the whole thing explodes.
The gas tank need sto have a hole so it can pour straight to the floor, or maybe they could have a feature where every mile they drive their bank automatically donates some money to chevron or someone somewhere gets stabbed
Put gas tanks on Teslas so they can hold gasoline, and the driver can buy gasoline, but it's not actually burned in the operation of the car. Only if the battery catches fire and the whole thing explodes.
maybe if they mount a huge
penisgun on topIs that a gun that is also a penis? Or is it a gun that shoots penises as ammo?
I’m so morally conflicted about both, since the gun is good, and the penis is evil.
Wow a Zardoz reference. Well met, Friend.
Depends on what trim level you're willing to pay for.
The gas tank need sto have a hole so it can pour straight to the floor, or maybe they could have a feature where every mile they drive their bank automatically donates some money to chevron or someone somewhere gets stabbed